Various Expert Groups formed by the Govt.
1. Y.K.Alagh: 1979
2. Lakdawala: 1993
3. Tendulkar: 2009
#Tendulkar=> Used the all India Urban poverty line basket as the reference to derive state-level rural and urban poverty.
#Rangrajan=> separate All India rural and urban Basket lines and deriving state level rural and urban estimates.
#Tendulkar=> Rejects calorie norms.
#Rangrajan used NSSO Survey => Due to large and growing variance in National Accounts Statistics and NSSO Estimates.
# Alternate view by Rangarajan=> Estimating the poverty line by reference to the ability of household to save.
Executive Summary:
1. Poverty line should be based on normative levels of adequate nourishment, clothing, house rent, conveyance and education.
2.Average requirement of calories, proteins and fats based on ICMR norm and differentiated by age, gender, and activity.
3. Calorie norm
Rural Urban
Calories 2155Kcal 2090Kcal
Fats 28gm 26gm
Proteins 48gm 50gm
4. Various Baskets: Based on Modified Mixed Recall Period
Rural Urban
Food Rs 554 Rs 656
Cloths, Rent, Rs.141 Rs.407
Education, Conveyance
Nutrition Rs 277 Rs 344
5. New Poverty Line:
Rs. 972==> Rural
Rs. 1407==> Uraban
6. Poverty Ratio:
Rural: 2011-12=> 30.9% [260.5m]
2009-10=> 39.6%
Urban: 2011-12 => 26.4%[102.5m]
2009-10=> 35.1%
All India: 2011-12=> 29.5%[363m]
2009-10=> 38.2%
1. Y.K.Alagh: 1979
2. Lakdawala: 1993
3. Tendulkar: 2009
#Tendulkar=> Used the all India Urban poverty line basket as the reference to derive state-level rural and urban poverty.
#Rangrajan=> separate All India rural and urban Basket lines and deriving state level rural and urban estimates.
#Tendulkar=> Rejects calorie norms.
#Rangrajan used NSSO Survey => Due to large and growing variance in National Accounts Statistics and NSSO Estimates.
# Alternate view by Rangarajan=> Estimating the poverty line by reference to the ability of household to save.
Executive Summary:
1. Poverty line should be based on normative levels of adequate nourishment, clothing, house rent, conveyance and education.
2.Average requirement of calories, proteins and fats based on ICMR norm and differentiated by age, gender, and activity.
3. Calorie norm
Rural Urban
Calories 2155Kcal 2090Kcal
Fats 28gm 26gm
Proteins 48gm 50gm
4. Various Baskets: Based on Modified Mixed Recall Period
Rural Urban
Food Rs 554 Rs 656
Cloths, Rent, Rs.141 Rs.407
Education, Conveyance
Nutrition Rs 277 Rs 344
5. New Poverty Line:
Rs. 972==> Rural
Rs. 1407==> Uraban
6. Poverty Ratio:
Rural: 2011-12=> 30.9% [260.5m]
2009-10=> 39.6%
Urban: 2011-12 => 26.4%[102.5m]
2009-10=> 35.1%
All India: 2011-12=> 29.5%[363m]
2009-10=> 38.2%
Khup chan lekh.thanks for posting this.