Monday, February 3, 2014

Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013

Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013

  • It is a violation of women’s right to gender equality, life and liberty. 
  • Creates an insecure and hostile work environment, which discourages women’s participation in work, thereby adversely affecting their economic empowerment and the goal of inclusive growth. 
  • It covers all women, irrespective of their age or employment status. 
  • Protect them against sexual harassment at all workplaces both in public and private sector, whether organized or unorganized    
         Section 4 and Section 6
  •  Creates a redressal mechanism in the form of Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) and Local      Complaints Committee (LCC). 

  • All workplaces employing 10 or more than 10 workers are mandated under the Act to constitute an ICC. 
  • Complaints from workplaces employing less than 10 workers or when the complaint is against the employer will be looked into by the LCC.  
  • A  District Officer will constitute the LCC at the district level.

Section 19

  • It casts a responsibility on every employer to create an environment which is free from sexual       harassment. 
  • Under it employers are required to organize workshops and awareness programmes at regular intervals for sensitizing the employees about the provision of this legislation and display notices regarding the constitution of Internal Committee, penal consequences of sexual harassment etc.

  • Inquiry must be completed within a time period of 90 days. 
  • On completion of the inquiry, the report will be sent to the employer or the District Officer, as the case may be and they are mandated to take action on the report within 60 days.
  • All Internal Complaints Committees are required to submit Annual reports to the employer who in turn will submit it to the district officer. 
  • All Local Complaints Committee shall submit their annual report to the district officer. 
  • The district officers will submit the report annually to the State Governments.

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